Israeli Poker Academy

@PokerStars In European Poker Tour
  1. Israeli Poker Academy Texas
  2. Israeli Poker Academy Pro
  3. Israeli Poker Academy Reseda

He also names himself as the owner of Melabes Corporation, claiming it runs 'one of the largest cannabis farms in Santa Barbara, California,' at 25 acres. And Phan said he was the owner of the. Lifestyle Liberation Academy (LLA) taught me to get honest with myself about who I really was and what I was really born to do. It supported me to set aside all of my fears and my limiting mental dialogue and actually give my dream business a chance. Top 4 Daniel Negreanu Luckiest Poker Hands!Help us to 100K Subscribers - Turn on the 'šŸ””' to get notifications for new uploads!If you a. Among other things, shareholders and a director of the Israeli Poker Academy suspected of not reporting income obtained from participation in poker competitions all over the world were investigated. A person suspected of organizing games of chance, whose turnovers from gambling under his management are estimated in the millions of shekels, was.

Nir Levy, earning his EPT stripes

We've written before about how PokerStars' slate of regional tours are a great way for players to get experience of deepstacked, well-structured poker tournaments at a price point that's a lot lower than the EPT.

They're also a fertile breeding ground for players wanting to step up to the EPT and there's a host of them who've had success on the UKIPT, Estrellas or Eureka tour before replicating that success on a bigger stage. Players of the calibre of Max Silver, Ludovic Geilich and Adrian Mateos all first hit the big time away from the bright lights of the EPT. Now, Nir Levy is following in their footsteps.

Until August 2014 Levy had never cashed in a live tournament with a buy-in of more than ā‚¬300. He'd made two side event final tables on the Eureka Poker Tour but little else of note. Then came EPT100 and the Estrellas Barcelona Main Event. Since PokerStars began kicking off their EPT festivals with one of their regional tours Main Events the numbers have rocketed and Barcelona was no different.

A ridiculous 2,560 people entered the ā‚¬1,000 event and Levy was one of four players left in when they struck a deal. That near ā‚¬200,000 cash gave him a lot more than just a breakthrough score. 'I think it gave me a lot of confidence. I had a great year online in 2014 and Barcelona came after a few big scores I had online. It increased my bankroll by a lot. I'm a bankroll nit most of the time,' he told us during a break in play before adding. 'This is my second time playing the EPT, I played in Barcelona and got knocked out in Day 2. I won a seat to this event in a ā‚¬215 re-entry satellite.'

The 27-year-old, who lives 20 minutes south of Tel Aviv in a city called Rehavot, plays poker online full-time but has also got involved in a side project. 'I've started coaching at the Israeli Poker Academy, which is a live poker course with power point presentations all that kind of stuff so I'm both playing and coaching. I'm not one of the owners, I just work there. A friend of mine is one of the owners and he wanted me to coach there, so I'm coaching tournaments. It's mostly for beginners but they also have some advanced courses.'

Levy teaches poker when he's not playing it

The fact that there's an Israeli Poker Academy might surprise some people, but then Israel provided more players in this Main Event than any of Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Brazil, Spain, Ukraine, Ireland or Lebanon. 'I think if I remember correctly there were 22 Israeli players in the Main Event so we definitely have a community,' says Levi. 'I've been playing since the end of 2007 and I didn't know anybody. In 2010 I met a lot of people that play online on PokerStars. A lot of Israeli's play high stakes, so maybe it's a new community, but it's big compared to the size of my country.'

The players he's teaching tournament poker to at the Academy are in good hands. 'I play tournaments online, mostly PokerStars and and Full Tilt. Mid to high stakes tournaments. I play the Super Tuesday ($1,050 buy-in) I wouldn't say all the time, but if I've had a good week I will play it. In 2014 I took second in the Big 109, I final tabled the Sunday Supersonic, I won the Sunday Brawl on Full Tilt and also had lots of ā‚¬5k scores.'

He's certainly not fazed about this tournament's buy-in being the size of many of his online scores. 'I don't think about the money and I'm used to playing against really tough players all the time. I think that the field in an EPT is probably softer than the high stakes online, obviously there's a lot of money on the line but I'm not going to play scared money or anything. I don't think about the money I just think about how to play my game.'

It's definitely a first world problem, but today Levi has joined the long list of poker players who've missed a flight and it could well land him in trouble. 'It's my girlfriend's birthday on Saturday, I booked a flight for today but knew if I made Day 4 that I'd have to delay it and now I might miss her birthday entirely, if I do I'll need to bring her a really nice present I guess.'

Will an EPT trophy suffice Nir?

Levi - in trouble with the missus!

Follow coverage of the EPT Malta Main Event on the EPT Malta Main Event page. There are plenty of side events going on, and the ā‚¬10,000 High Roller is under way. Keep abreast of everything via the EPT App, available on Android or IOS.

Hi there,

Would you like to find and follow your passion, while overcoming the fears and obstacles that stand in your way?

That is exactly why I built the Academy.

The Academy contains everything Iā€™ve ever created, and each week, I add more to the library.

There are courses ranging all the way from heart-based business to writing and publishing books.

(You can find a full list of available courses as you scroll down).

Interested? Scroll down for more information.

ā€œIā€™m blown away by what youā€™ve put together in the Academy.ā€

Shlomo Skinner

Ready to Join the Academy?

You can choose to pay monthly, or every three months.

The quarterly option is a better value if you want to save money.

Thereā€™s also a $1 trial for the first 7 days, so if you donā€™t like what you see, you can cancel before the 7 days are up.

Option 1: $24/Month

You pay in advance for each month. Cancel anytime for any reason.

Option 2: $57/Quarterly

You pay in advance for each three months. Cancel anytime.

ā€œI started 7 months ago, I now have 300 subscribers and $400 earned.


Before I joined the Academy, I had three problems:

a) Passion. Deep down I knew what my passion was but I had so many mental blockages around it that I was honestly convinced that I didnā€™t even have one.

b) Knowledge. I had no idea how to make a business online and/or do what I loved ā€“ I didnā€™t even know what a blog was (I know ā€“ for a 28yr old that is ridiculous right!?)

c) Fear. I was terrified of giving up my financial security and all the luxuries I was used to in order to start something from scratch and potentially fail.

Hereā€™s how the Academy has helped:

I could get cheesy here but let me be terribly English and simply say that ā€˜I owe Henri a lotā€™.

a) My psyche. Lifestyle Liberation Academy (LLA) taught me to get honest with myself about who I really was and what I was really born to do. It supported me to set aside all of my fears and my limiting mental dialogue and actually give my dream business a chance. It was Henriā€™s intuitive teaching that made me realise that I was not alone, that how I felt was completely normal and he gave exceptional advice of how to work through those mental barriers.

b) The Knowledge. The courses offered in the LLA are second to none. I was a complete novice so I needed to be spoon-fed, and Henri gives you practical, step by step instructions on how to go from Zero to Successful. Everything you could want is covered: how to set up your site, what to name it, your sign-up incentive product, how to write articles, SEO, building your subscription list, and lots lots more. It is first-class stuff and so digestible for a beginner.

c) The Support. You can ask any question that you come up against and you get answers back within hours. Henri is always there to add his expert input.

Not least of all, by having a facility like LLA, it got me from running around in the dark, unhappy, without a clue, to working in a growing business, living my dream and feeling very joyful about my life.

What about my results?

I started 7 months ago. I now have 300 subscribers, have guest posted on Tiny Buddha, The Change Blog and have been picked up and republished by Life Hack and magazines. I currently have 2 regular coaching clients at $100 per hour and have made approx $400 so far. My first product launch was a flop (only made one sale) but I learnt from it so it was good ā€“ it didnā€™t solve a big enough problem for my readers. I have just released my second product (guided meditation) ā€“ letā€™s see how it goes šŸ˜‰

I would recommend LLA to anyone who wants to be their own boss, work from anywhere, choose their working hours, do what they love, and partake in the incredibly rewarding experience of creating their own business. LLA has everything you could need to make that happen and more.ā€

Jessica Heslop

The Growing Library of Training

The Academy is more than just one program.

Itā€™s a growing library that is added to every week.

Hereā€™s a list of whatā€™s in the Academy:

1. Academy Core Training

The Academy core business training is a 10-module course.

Hereā€™s a taste of what youā€™ll learn in the core training:

  • How to cultivate an indestructible mindset, so you can easily navigate through challenges
  • The key to finding a profitable niche for your business (no more agonizing over your choices)
  • How to stand out from all the noise (miss this and you might as well stop)
  • How to set-up your site (and what posts, pages, and elements your site must have)
  • The best way to create content that people love and that gets shared (I share exactly how I get hundreds of tweets and shares on some of my posts)
  • How to use a simple newsletter to make your first $1,000 (people say ā€œthe money is in the listā€ and itā€™s true)
  • How to attract an audience of fans that canā€™t wait to buy from you and share your work
  • A simple process for coming up with, creating, and launching your very first product
  • How to make connections and friends (because if you donā€™t, your growth will stagnate)
  • The ā€œsecretā€ to making massive progress (even when you run into obstacles)

The core training contains almost 10 hours of detailed, step-by-step training on how to build a profitable lifestyle business.

ā€œWhat Henri shares in the Academy has helped me make my first $100 online doing what I love (fitness).

Iā€™ve been able to build a site that gets thousands of monthly visitors, and Iā€™m on the verge of launching my first product. I couldnā€™t have done it without the training and support of the Academy!ā€

Dejan Antic, Slovenia

2. NEW: Live Your Passion

What if you didnā€™t have to figure out what your passion was?

What if you could just start living it, today?

In the Live Your Passion Course, you can do just that. In this course Iā€™ve put together everything Iā€™ve learned from living my passion for well over a decade.

It also includes tips and techniques only shared with clients.

In this course, youā€™ll discover that you can start doing what you love, right now. Thatā€™s not an exaggeration.

3. Writing Workshop

Do you want to be a writer?

Are your fears stopping you?

In this digital workshop, I share what I discovered after over a decade of writing.

Youā€™ll discover how to find your authentic writing voice, overcome fears, and learn to write faster and more effortlessly.

You also get access to templates and checklists to help make your writing sharper.

4. Invincible Mindset

Imagine being able to handle any setback and obstacle life throws at you.

You see failure as an opportunity to learn.

You see criticism and learn from it (if thereā€™s something to learn).

If something doesnā€™t work, you find another way forward.

In the Invincible Mindset Class, you learn all of the above. You discover how you can develop a mindset that helps you do what you love, no matter what comes your way.

This class only contains tips and techniques that have worked for me, and the people Iā€™ve worked with, so youā€™re in for a treat.

5. Abundance

Do you ever feel like you donā€™t have, or arenā€™t, enough?

Would you like to change that?

Would you like to learn to tap into your inner abundance, prosperity, and wealth?

In the Abundance Class, I share my framework for seeing beyond the traps, so you can go right to the source of your joy and abundance.

When you do this, you begin to see the opportunities that were always in front of you.

As always, this class is filled with proven, practical techniques that Iā€™ve found to work.

ā€œHenri does what he teaches, especially when it comes to working hard in his programs to remove the overwhelm and get members moving towards their goals. I have no doubt he can help you make progress with your lifestyle business!ā€

Chris Garrett, Alberta, Canada
Online Business Consultant
Co-Author of ProBlogger

6. Truth & Clarity

In this class, I go through common obstacles and fears, and how I personally overcame them.

Examples of topics covered in this class: Dealing with criticism, overcoming excuses, moving forward when you feel paralyzed, impostor syndrome, and so much more.

Most lessons are kept under 10 minutes, so you can easily listen to it while out for a walk, or read it on a short break.

This class is about you getting a sneak peek into my mindset, and what works in the real world.

This is not theory, but what Iā€™ve found to work.

NEW: 7. Transcend Worry

Do you struggle with worry and fear?

Do you find yourself paralyzed by the movies playing in your head?

Then youā€™ll love this class, because it goes deep into the structure of how we as humans create our experience of life.

As you begin seeing this, your whole life changes, because your relationship to your mind changes.

You may still worry, but something has shifted.

If you like the way this sounds, you have to check this class out, because it may just change your life.

8. Inner GPS Course

What if you discovered how to make decisions as yourself?

You wouldnā€™t have to rely on outside authorities anymore.

Youā€™d know how to deal with confusion, fear, and worry. You wouldnā€™t eliminate negative feelings, but you would know how to deal with them.

Does this sound interesting?

The Inner GPS Course condenses what Iā€™ve learned in over a decade of living an unconventional life, and how Iā€™ve learned to make decisions that lead to a satisfying and fulfilling life.

9. The $100 Site Course

The goal of this course is to help you build an online website that makes between $30 and $100 per month (hence the name).

Iā€™ve been building niche sites for years, and this is how I got started.

In this course Iā€™ll show you exactly how I do it.

Youā€™ll get step-by-step video tutorials, checklists and unlimited support via email.

Itā€™s a great and fun experience.

10. WordPress Unraveled

Have you ever been held back from starting your lifestyle business because of the technical difficulties?

Well the WordPress Unraveled Course helps solve that problem.

In this course, youā€™ll discover, step-by-step, how to use WordPress to run your website, without having to pay a webmaster to help you every time you run into a problem.

No previous technical skills required.

All you have to do is show up, and youā€™ll learn how it all works. The video training is casual, conversational, and simple.

And if you ever get stuck, you can ask as many questions as you want via email.

11. Kindle Publishing Course

Self-publishing works, and it works well.

You can write books, and share your gifts with the world, all without going through the big publishing houses.

Iā€™ve done this myself. Iā€™ve written 6 books (so far), and itā€™s bringing in a nice extra income, plus attracting new people to my websites and business.

In the Kindle Publishing Course, I share everything I know about going from not knowing what you want to write about to having a book done and in the Amazon marketplace.

This course is still in progress, which means Iā€™m adding new lessons each month.

Israeli Poker Academy

That in turn means that if you have questions, or if a video is missing, Iā€™ll create it for you.

NEW: 12. Emotional Mastery

Do you struggle with unwanted emotions?

Would you like to learn how to turn ā€˜negativeā€™ emotions into a force for good in your life?

In this class, I share how to do that, while also sharing what Iā€™ve found to be effective in transcending emotions.

This is not about pushing away emotions, but something entirely different.

Itā€™s counter-intuitive, but highly effective.

This information will be useful for the rest of your life, so Iā€™m excited to share this course with you.

13. Ongoing Training Courses

You also get access to ongoing training courses. These courses are specifically designed to help you move forward.

You know what that means, donā€™t you?

It means that I listen to your feedback when I decide what courses I create. It also means that the courses will be extremely effective in helping you reduce your learning curve.

Letā€™s look at just a few courses that are currently in the Academy:

1. Lifestyle Blogging

Iā€™ve built up my blog to 11,000+ subscribers.

In this to-the-point course, I cover things like:

  • The Wake Up Cloud Method of Blogging
  • How to Come Up With Unlimited Blog Topics
  • Blog Templates That Will Make You Famous
  • 11 Things You Must NEVER Do
  • And so on ā€¦

Itā€™s full of goodies.

And what members really love about these courses is that I hold nothing back. You get to see exactly how I do things, whatā€™s working, and whatā€™s not.

2. Lifestyle Productivity

I get a lot of things done, while spending most of my days playing guitar, learning how to draw cartoons, and hang out with my two kids.

How do I get so much done in so little time?

Thatā€™s what youā€™ll discover in the Lifestyle Productivity course, which covers things like:

  • The Secret to Superhuman Productivity
  • The Art of Getting Things Done
  • 8 Productivity Hacks That You MUST Know
  • How to Use Systems to Double Your Productivity
  • And so much more ā€¦

Yup, lots of goodies here as well.

3. Success Alchemy

In the Success Alchemy course you will learn how to set and achieve your goals.

But this isnā€™t your traditional goal setting course. This is my [Henriā€™s] way of getting things done.

I account for chaos, fear, and uncertainty, which so often paralyzes you, and keeps you from moving forward.

This course contains all the tips and tricks Iā€™ve found along my path to help me move forward even when the world around me seems to be plunged in darkness.

In short, in this course youā€™ll get a simple framework to follow that will help you move forward, and overcome the obstacles that so often hold you back from doing what you love.

ā€œIā€™ve joined several different courses on blogging and earning money online.

Some of the were quite expensive, but none of them gave me what the Lifestyle Liberation Academy has. In the courses Iā€™ve tried before, there usually wasnā€™t a place where I could ask questions. And if I could, my questions were often misunderstood.

It [The Academy] has resources for getting you into the right mindset, as well as resources for your technical needs. As for me, my affiliate marketing goals are moving along and my blog is up and running. Iā€™m also moving along with an ebook/kindle book project. All thanks to the Academy.ā€

Renee Millares, USA

14. Life-Changing Interviews

I conduct in-depth interviews with experts both in life and business. These interviews are exclusive to the Academy.

Some of the interviews youā€™ll get instant access to when you join are:

  • How to Use YouTube to Build a Six-Figure Business
  • How to Make Money Freelance Writing, Right Now
  • How to Get Noticed (And Build a Loyal Audience)
  • How to Find Your Path (And Follow Your Heart in Business)
  • How to Create Products That Sell Like Hotcakes
  • How to Find and Follow Your Passion
  • How to Start a Podcast
  • How to Make $6,000 Per Month from Kindle Books
  • And Many More ā€¦

The interview library is constantly growing and expanding. I canā€™t stop myself from talking to smart people, which means that youā€™ll get lots of great interviews when you join.

15. Email Support

You also get access to me (Henri).

You get my private email address, where you can ask me any questions you might have.

Any and all questions are welcome, especially the ones you think are silly or stupid, because those are the ones that matter to you.

16. The Rolodex

Finally, we have the rolodex.

This is the resource area in the Academy where we gather all the best services and products.

That means you wonā€™t have to go hunting for what you need. You have everything you need in one place.

Youā€™ll save time and money.

ā€œHenriā€™s Lifestyle Liberation Academy is a great resource for aspiring entrepreneurs and existing business owners alike.

The thing I admire most about Henri is how accessible he is personally as well as how his pricing makes learning about entrepreneurship available to anyone.

Unlike other gurus who are heavy on marketing and hype, Henri is an authentic guy who genuinely cares about his clients and gives his time and knowledge generously to those who are serious about taking control of their life and career to have a more aspirational lifestyle and business based on their interests and passions.ā€

Jesse Krieger
Best-Selling Author of Lifestyle Entrepreneur

Why Should You Join?

  • The Academy is extremely affordable. Youā€™ll just not be able to find this kind of value and support anywhere else. Iā€™ve put in everything in the Academy.
  • Itā€™s a one stop shop for getting started and supercharging your progress. Not only will you get help on where you start, but youā€™ll also get step-by-step biz training that has been proven to work for me and my clients.
  • Youā€™ll learn how to build a business without resorting to sleazy marketing tactics. I get it. Putting yourself out there and selling what youā€™ve got isnā€™t it. And it doesnā€™t help that most people teach you bordering unethical marketing practices. Thereā€™s none of that in the Academy. We do business from the heart.
  • You get to design how you learn. When you join the Academy, you get access to all the training. If you like going through courses, you can do that. If youā€™re a 1-on-1 person, you can send me as many emails as you want (really). Itā€™s overwhelm-free and you get the help you need.
  • No upsells, surprises or catches. I do my best to create new content, courses and material to help you move forward. If something doesnā€™t exist in the Academy, I will create it. The Academy is the only investment you have to make to start your journey to a passionate life. You ready to get started?

Unsolicited Feedback from an Academy Member

ā€œIā€™ve Found My Niche and My Passion. My Website is Already Up and Running Thanks to the Academy!ā€

ā€œBefore I joined the Lifestyle Liberation Academy, I was overwhelmed and didnā€™t know where to start.

After joining the Academy, my progress is much faster. It has given me a roadmap so that I always know what to focus on and how to take the next step. Iā€™ve found my niche, what Iā€™m passionate about, and my website is already up and running.

What I like most is that the training deals as much with mindset as it does the mechanics of building your lifestyle business. There is a lot more fear and overwhelm involved in the process than I realized and Henri does an awesome job teaching how to deal with these feelings and keep moving forward. Another thing I like is the structure with workbooks and checklists that always keeps me on track.

On top of that, the ongoing training and courses has amazing content. Henri really over delivers.

Israeli Poker Academy Texas

And letā€™s not forget the access to Henri. I can get an answer to any question at any time.

Iā€™d definitely recommend the Academy to whoever is serious about building their own lifestyle business and passionate life. Itā€™s a huge time and effort saver that effectively removes all the overwhelm and fears so that your focus always can be on taking action.ā€

Patrik Edblad

ā€œI Went from Zero to My First $100ā€

ā€œAfter a few months in the Academy, I went from zero to getting my first clients and making my first $100.

I took massive action under gentle nudges by Henri. The part I like most about the Academy is people.

I can ask as many questions as I want and Iā€™m never criticized or made to feel stupid.ā€

Zell Liew

About the Creator of the Academy

If you didnā€™t already know, Iā€™m Henri.

Iā€™ve always lived an unconventional life.

Right out of high school, I became a professional online poker player. I traveled the world and discovered that money wasnā€™t the answer to happiness.

In 2006, I started feeling like I could do more. I felt like something was missing. I went online in search for something else. I wanted to contribute something to the world.

I didnā€™t know what that was at the time. Iā€™ve always liked building websites, so thatā€™s where I started. I began looking for opportunities. The problem was that I was looking for shortcuts and quick fixes.

This led me to get-rich quick programs and coaching, where I ended up wasting over $10,000.

In 2008, I was short thousands of dollars and two years. I wasnā€™t seeing results, and I gave up for almost a year. I just didnā€™t know what to do. There was no one I could turn to for help. And to be honest, I didnā€™t have the right mindset at the time.

Finally, in 2009 something clicked. And when things clicked, I went from $0 to $500 per month online in just a few months. At the end of 2009, my girlfriend and I (and our dog) moved to Spain for a year.

And this is what it looked like.


We made new friends.

We ate some great Spanish food.

And we learned some Spanish. Fue un tiempo maravilloso.

Then in 2011, we returned to Scandinavia. It felt like the next step for us.

And we were right, because in March 2011, Ingela (my girlfriend) became pregnant. And in December 2011, our first son was born.

In 2015, a second one plopped out.

Having a lifestyle business means I can spend as much time as I want with my family.

Anyone can build a business around something they are interested in. And anyone can tap into their purpose in life.

Yes, that means you, too.

But you have to be willing to take the first step.

Israeli Poker Academy Pro

And I sincerely believe that the Lifestyle Liberation Academy is the best first step you can take.

I donā€™t see myself as an all-knowing expert. Instead, Iā€™ve just made a few more mistakes than most people, and Iā€™d like to share those mistakes with you in the Academy.

I want to see you succeed.

Because that is what makes my heart sing.

ā€œI started trying to figure out how to ā€œmake money onlineā€ in 2007.

Since then, Iā€™ve spent a small fortune on ebooks, paid memberships, and websites that were supposed to start making me money fast. None of it worked.

But one day, I stumbled upon Henri and the Academy. I think the Lifestyle Liberation Academy is one of the best tools and resources for any expert or novice (like me) that wants to make money doing what they enjoy.

Henri is very attentive. I canā€™t imagine a better support system for the same money any where else.ā€

Jeremy Fleming

Are You Interested in Joining?

You can choose to pay monthly, or every three months.

The quarterly option is a better value if you want to save around 20%.

Thereā€™s also a $1 trial for the first 7 days, so if you donā€™t like what you see, you can cancel before the 7 days are up.

Option 1: $24/Month

You pay in advance for each month. Cancel anytime for any reason.

Option 2: $57/Quarterly

You pay in advance for each three months. Cancel anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What makes you qualified?

This is what I do every day. Since 2009, Iā€™ve made a full-time living online.

I donā€™t use unethical business practices. I make a living by helping people change their lives for the better.

Iā€™ve built a blog with 11,000+ subscribers from all over the world. I only teach what I know works, and Iā€™m an open book when it comes to sharing my mistakes and failures.

I donā€™t claim to be an expert. I simply share what I know. Iā€™m in the trenches every day running my business. If youā€™d like to learn from me and move forward together, Iā€™d love to see you inside the Academy.

Q: When will I get access to everything?

After youā€™ve created your account and paid, you will get instant access to everything.

Q: What about overwhelm with so much training available?

Thereā€™s no denying that thereā€™s a lot of training in the Academy. Itā€™s easy to get overwhelmed, and that itā€™s not my intention to overwhelm you. My intention for the Lifestyle Liberation Academy is to build a library of training that you can access when you need it.

When you join the Academy, you fill out a form of what you want to do, and what youā€™re struggling with. You then receive a personal answer from me giving you a recommendation on where to start.

Q: Why should I trust you?

You donā€™t have to trust me.

Try the $1 trial and see how things feel for you, if they resonate.

Q: I donā€™t have a business yet, will this help me?

Yes. The core academy training is specifically designed for complete beginners. You can follow along step by step, and if you have any questions, you can ask as many questions as you want.

It doesnā€™t matter whether youā€™re just getting started, or if you already have a business, the Academy will help you.

Q: I donā€™t have enough time

Israeli Poker Academy Reseda

Thatā€™s why you can download some of the courses, put it on your phone, and listen while you wash the dishes, take the dog for a walk, or have some downtime.

Not having enough time is the reason you should join the Academy, because it will save you time. You wonā€™t have to hunt for training or help. You donā€™t have to spend hundreds on coaching or courses.

Q: How long does my membership last?

You pay for each month in advance. And you can cancel anytime. There are no obligations.

Q: What are all these courses? How does it work?

All the courses are available online. You get access to a members-only website where you can access all your goodies and the comunity.

You will get greeted by a welcome video to help you get started and eliminate the overwhelm.

Q: How long do I have access to all the training?

For as long as you stay a member.

Your membership gives you access to a huge range of training and unlimited support. Iā€™d love to see you join.

All the best,

P.S. Any questions? Shoot me an email at henri [at] and Iā€™ll get back to you within 24 hours. Usually within hours.