Casino De Montreal Reouverture

CasinoCasino De Montreal Reouverture
  • This winter, it's an outdoor playland at Parc Jean-Drapeau!

    December 15, 2020

    Even though winter's official arrival isn't until December 21, the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau (SPJD) eagerly got a head start by unveiling the main features of its new winter program, which will run from December 19, 2020 to March 7, 2021. The program has something for everyone, in a unique playground-type of setting in the middle of the Saint Lawrence River that is easily accessible by taking the métro.

    With the help of Québec Government funding, the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau is enhancing its winter offering and enabling park users to fully embrace the joys of winter in the city. While the pandemic has forced the cancellation of the 2021 edition of the Fête des neiges de Montréal, there's no need to be confined to staying indoors!

    This winter, it's an outdoor playland at Parc Jean-Drapeau!

    Tuesday, December 15, 2020, 220 KB

  • Closure of Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve and the South Shore bike path for the winter season

    December 9, 2020

    The Société du parc Jean-Drapeau is announcing a series of changes for the use of Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve and the closing of the Bike link.

    Closure of Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve and the South Shore bike path for the winter season

    Wednesday, December 9, 2020, 142 KB

  • Unveiling a winter cycling route on île Sainte-Hélène

    December 8, 2020

    To welcome cyclists all year round, the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau will be providing a winter cycling route between the Jacques-Cartier and Concorde Bridges. The winter bike trail, which will cross île Sainte-Hélène by going through a combination of multi-purpose and vehicular roadways, will have snow removal on a regular basis so cyclists can enjoy safe travels all winter long. Blue signs with snowflakes will inform cyclists of the route to use.

    The Société du parc Jean-Drapeau announces the unveiling a winter cycling route on île Sainte-Hélène to ensure active mobility year-round

    Tuesday, December 8, 2020, 157 KB

  • Espace Paddock receives Kéroul certification

    November 2, 2020

    Accessibility certified by an evaluator from the Kéroul organization, Espace Paddock meets all of the criteria relating to visitors' accessibility while on the premises, thereby rendering an enjoyable experience for people with mobility restrictions.

    Please check the complete information sheet for all of the details about the levels of accessibility and the list of services offered.

  • La Société du parc Jean-Drapeau remporte le prix Interentreprises

    23 octobre 2020

    French only

    C'est à l'occasion de la remise des Prix Leaders en mobilité durable de Voyagez futé le jeudi 22 octobre dernier, que la SPJD a remporté le prix Interentreprises Leaders en mobilité durable. Ce prix a été remis à la SPJD en reconnaissance à tout ce qui a été fait au Parc en 2020 pour favoriser la mobilité durable. Réduction et conversion de certains espaces de stationnement, amélioration de la desserte du transport collectif, ainsi que du service piétonnier et cyclable, ne sont que quelques exemples des mesures ayant été mises en place et qui ont connu un vif succès.

    Merci à nos partenaires, le Musée Stewart, la Biosphère, La Ronde et le Casino de Montréal pour leur grande collaboration dans ce projet de mobilité durable.

  • Daedalus and Icarus, Espace Paddock's latest art work

    September 25, 2020

    Mathieu Lévesque has won the competition held by the City of Montréal's Bureau d'Art Public Art Bureau for the creation of an Espace Paddock art work.

    The sculpture he designed is composed of golden geometric shapes that appear to be going across the floor of the new building's upper level. The concept is derived from the myth of Daedalus and Icarus, evoking the connections between motor sports and the mythological father-son duo. The descriptive work also provides a human-scale experience that enables people to discover and appreciate the work from other viewpoints in conjunction with the architecture and landscape.

  • Announcement of a summer travel plan Setting up safe active transportation circuits at Parc Jean-Drapeau

    July 21, 2020

    La Société du parc Jean-Drapeau (SPJD) is currently rolling out its summer travel plan, developed in conjunction with the City of Montréal summer travel plan, and in this regard it will be helping in setting up the Montréal parks' system, which got underway last month. By making large public spaces available and accessible to visitors through the creation of active transportation circuits, the SPJD is promoting active travel in the battle against COVID-19 and is offering an entirely new experience at the Parc.

    Announcement of a summer travel plan

    Tuesday, July 21, 2020, 293 KB

  • Opening of a bypass road on the Victoria Bridge connecting Saint-Lambert to parc Jean-Drapeau

    July 17, 2020

    The Société du parc Jean-Drapeau (SPJD) announces the opening of a bypass road to the Victoria Bridge connecting Saint-Lambert to the Parc Jean-Drapeau / Estacade / Sainte-Catherine section (Bike Link), which is an integral part of the Trans Canada Trail and the Route verte, starting Saturday July 18.

    The Corporation de la Voie maritime has in fact agreed to make one of its vehicular passages available to cyclists, which will be secure and will act as a bypass road.

    Ouverture d'une voie de contournement à la passerelle du pont Victoria reliant Saint-Lambert au parc Jean-Drapeau

    (French only), Friday, July 17, 2020, 128 KB

  • Opening of the Aquatic Complex

    July 15, 2020

    One of Canada's finest aquatic complexes will again be accessible to users as of Saturday, July 18. The three swimming pools at Parc Jean-Drapeau are reopening to swimmers, for competitive training purposes or for a relaxing time in the water, either alone or with your family.

    Opening of the Aquatic Complex

    Wednesday, July 15, 2020, 167 KB

  • Nomination de Me Selena Lu au conseil d'administration de la Société du parc Jean-Drapeau

    9 juillet 2020

    French only

    Le comité exécutif annonce la nomination de Me Selena Lu au conseil d'administration de la Société du parc Jean-Drapeau (SPJD), et ce, pour un mandat de 3 ans. Cette nomination, qui sera effective lors du CA de septembre prochain, fait suite à une résolution du comité exécutif adoptée le mercredi 8 juillet 2020.

    Avocate de formation, madame Lu est depuis 2019, associée au cabinet Lavery Avocats. Oeuvrant en droit des affaires, elle s'occupe entre autres de la négociation et de la mise en oeuvre des transactions commerciales incluant l'achat et la vente d'actifs et d'actions ainsi que le financement pour le compte de sociétés fermées.

    Nomination de Me Selena Lu au conseil d'administration de la Société du parc Jean-Drapeau

    (French only), Thursday, July 9, 2020, 197 KB

  • Opening of Jean-Doré Beach

    July 8, 2020

    On the heels of the Olympic Basin's reopening, the next facility to do so is Jean-Doré Beach, whose official opening will occur on Saturday, July 11. The time has come to safely enjoy the summer season with family and friends at this veritable island of refreshing coolness, in the heart of Parc Jean-Drapeau, which is just a few steps from home.

    Opening of Jean-Doré Beach

    Wednesday, July 8, 2020, 159 KB

  • Reopening of the parking lots at Parc Jean-Drapeau

    July 2, 2020

    Parc Jean-Drapeau officially reopens all the parking lots located on Île Notre-Dame as well as parking lots P7 and P13 on Île Sainte-Hélène.

    The other parking lots will gradually open during the month of July.

  • Reopening of the rock-climbing wall at Parc Jean-Drapeau

    June 26, 2020

    The Société du parc Jean-Drapeau (SPJD) announces the reopening of its Rock climbing wall

    After conducting maintenance work and receiving the go-ahead from the Public Health Department for doing rock-climbing activities in the province, Parc Jean-Drapeau is now ready to welcome climbers on its site. Consequently, parking lot P13(near the Stewart Museum on Île Sainte-Hélène) will be re-opened for sports enthusiasts. The climbing wall will be accessible from 6 a.m. to 11 p.m. from June 27 to November 30, 2020.

  • Implementation of the opening process for Jean-Doré Beach, the Aquatic Complex and the Olympic Basin

    June 21 2020

    In collaboration with the administration of the City of Montreal, the SPJD announces the beginning of the opening process for the Jean-Doré Beach, the Aquatic Complex and the Olympic Basin.

    For each of these sports facilities, measures will be taken to comply with the instructions of the health authorities. Logistical requirements being numerous for each of these infrastructures, the opening dates will vary for each installation, but should be expected during the first three weeks of July.

    * Update June 25, 2020: Please note that the 3 pools of the Aquatic Complex will be open this summer, and not only the recreational pool, as previously announced in the press release below.

    Mise en place du processus d'ouverture de la plage Jean-Doré, du Complexe aquatique et du Bassin olympique au parc Jean-Drapeau

    (French only), Sunday, June 21, 2020, 205 KB

  • Espace Paddock wins the Ordre des Architectes du Québec 2020 prize

    June 10 2020

    The Espace Paddock, created by Les Architectes FABG, was awarded the Grand Prix d'excellence 2020 by the Ordre des Architectes du Québec! The infrastructure has also earned the Innovation mention.

    The Jury also applauded the careful planning and use of an impressive number of prefabricated components thanks to which this major project, which consisted in replacing the old Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve paddock, could be carried out in as little as ten months by a new permanent building meeting the requirements of the Formula 1 World Championship.

    Congratulations to all the professionals who worked on this colossal project.

  • Isabelle Bonneau is named Director general of the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau

    June 3 2020

    Isabelle Bonneau has been appointed the new Director General of the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau (SPJD), effective July 6. The appointment, approved today by the City of Montréal's executive committee, ratifies the recommendation made by the SPJD's Board of directors. Ms. Bonneau's appointment comes after the retirement of the current Director General, Ronald Cyr, who has served as the DG since April, 2015.

    Isabelle Bonneau is named Director general of the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau

    Wednesday, June 3, 2020, 161 KB

  • Fermeture de la passerelle cyclable du pont Victoria vers Saint-Lambert

    29 mai 2020

    La Société du parc Jean-Drapeau (SPJD) annonce la fermeture de la passerelle cyclable du pont Victoria vers Saint-Lambert pour des raisons de sécurité, et ce, pour toute la saison 2020.

    Une firme d'ingénieur a confirmé que la passerelle a des problèmes structuraux et seule sa reconstruction complète permettra d'en assurer la sécurité. La SPJD travaille en étroite collaboration avec les divers intervenants au dossier, afin de trouver une alternative qui permettra de rétablir un lien cyclable temporaire jusqu'à la fin des travaux à venir.

    Les cyclistes en provenance de Saint-Lambert qui souhaitent traverser vers Montréal doivent emprunter les pistes multifonctionnelles des ponts Jacques-Cartier et Samuel-de-Champlain.

    Fermeture de la passerelle cyclable du pont Victoria vers Saint-Lambert

    (French only), Friday, May 29, 2020, 202 KB

  • Reopening of the Île Notre-Dame cycling network at parc Jean-Drapeau

    May 21, 2020

    Île Notre-Dame will officially reopen on Saturday, May 23. It is the bike link section of the Sainte Catherine / Estacade (Champlain Bridge Ice Control Structure) / Parc Jean-Drapeau, which is an integral part of the Trans Canada Trail and the Route verte, as well as the entire Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve that will be accessible to cyclists.

    Users must, however, respect the physical distance measure of 2 meters at all times, as recommended by the public health department.

    Reopening of the Île Notre-Dame cycling network at parc Jean-Drapeau

    Thursday, May 21, 2020, 173 KB

  • Ouverture du lien cyclable Sainte-Catherine / Estacade / Île-des-Soeurs

    9 mai 2020

    La Société du parc Jean-Drapeau annonce la réouverture annuelle du lien cyclable Sainte-Catherine / Estacade / Île-des-Soeurs. Ce lien cyclable, situé en bordure de la voie maritime devait ouvrir le 15 avril dernier, mais était demeuré fermé en raison de la pandémie et des mesures mises en place par la Direction de la santé publique.

    Les cyclistes devront cependant faire preuve de patience pour ce qui est du tronçon Estacade / Parc Jean-Drapeau qui mène à la Route verte et au circuit Gilles-Villeneuve. En effet, la crise actuelle retarde son ouverture en raison de potentiels rassemblements de cyclistes sur l'Île Notre-Dame et particulièrement autour du circuit Gilles-Villeneuve.

    Ouverture du lien cyclable Sainte-Catherine / Estacade / Île-des-Soeurs

    (French only), Friday, May 8, 2020, 148 KB

  • Cancellation of summer events planned at Parc Jean-Drapeau

    May 8, 2020

    As requested by the Institut national de santé publique and Government of Quebec, the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau is announcing that no sporting or cultural events, including festivals, will take place on its site until August 31, 2020.

    Questions pertaining to specific events (reimbursements, new dates, etc.) should be directed to their organizers.

  • Closure of Île Notre-Dame

    April 5, 2020

    We would like to inform the public that Île Notre-Dame (including the Circuit Gilles-Villeneuve) is closed to the general public until further notice due to the current crisis surrounding the Coronavirus.

  • Indoor and outdoor assembly

    March 24, 2020

    As of this week, the Quebec Government announced that all indoor and outdoor assemblies are prohibited to ensure the health and safety of the population and to slow down the spread of the coronavirus.

    The Council of Ministers having adopted on March 20 a decree aimed at renewing the state of health emergency until March 29, the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau will apply this same ban on assembly on its territory.

  • Parc Jean-Drapeau's buildings
    Closed for an indefinite period

    March 23, 2020

    In order to control the risk of spreading the COVID-19 virus and to respect the measures put in place by the City of Montreal and the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau, The Pavillon CJPX, the Pavillon du Canada, the Athletes' Quarters and the Aquatic Complex will be closed to the public for an indefinite period and have undergone disinfection work.

  • Covid-19
    Preventive Measures

    March 18, 2020

    Since the beginning of March, the Société du parc Jean-Drapeau(SPJD) has implemented important preventive measures regarding its employees health and safety.

    These measures include the reduction of field workforce, the increase of teleworking, the improvement of technological means available to employees and the implementation of a campaign to clean up workspaces, in order to ensure essential functions and business continuity of the Société.


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