Approximate Model For Microstrip Fed Slot Antennas

Integrated antennas such as microstrip and slot antennas are advantageous as they are typically small in size, can be easily integrated with electronic circuitry and have low cost 3. Printed slot antennas are unique relative to microstrip antennas as they generally provide wider bandwidth. A Dual Band Microstrip-Fed Slot Antenna Abstract: A simple new design method to achieve a dual band microstrip-fed slot antenna is presented. It is shown that when two slot antennas are placed in series, the spacing between the two antennas can be adjusted to achieve an effective secondary resonance. 3.4.1 Transmission Line Model This model represents the microstrip antenna by two slots of width W and height h, separated by a transmission line of length L. The microstrip is essentially a nonhomogeneous line of two dielectrics, typically the substrate and air. Figure 3.7 Microstrip Line Figure 3.8 Electric Field Lines. Microstrip Antenna Integrated into a System: HIC Antenna Base-Station for 28-43 GHz. DC supply Micro-D connector. Microstrip antenna. Fiber input with collimating lens (Photo courtesy of Dr. Waterhouse) 14 Overview of Microstrip Antennas. (a) A rectangular patch microstrip antenna fed with a microstrip edge feed. (b) A circular patch microstrip antenna fed with a coaxial probe feed. The patch shapes in Figure 5.1 are symmetric and their radiation is easy to model. However, application specific patch shapes are often used to optimize certain aspects of MSA performance.

Double-slot-fed microstrip antennas for circular polarization operation


Using the cavity model theory, simple design formulas are developed for double-slot-fed circularly polarized microstrip antennas. Equivalent magnetic current sources are assumed at the slot positions and then the electric field distribution under the patch is obtained in terms of cavity modes. By applying the circular polarization conditions to the far-field components of the electric field, the loci of the positions of the slots for the circular polarization operations are found. Experimental results are successfully demonstrated based on the theoretical designs.

Approximate Model For Microstrip Fed Slot Antennas
Pub Date:

Approximate Model For Microstrip Fed Slot Antennas Antenna

October 1989
Approximate model for microstrip fed slot antennas ham radio

Approximate Model For Microstrip Fed Slot Antennas Instructions

  • Antenna Design;
  • Circular Polarization;
  • Integrated Circuits;
  • Microstrip Antennas;
  • Slot Antennas;
  • Antenna Radiation Patterns;
  • Cavity Resonators;
  • Electric Fields;
  • Far Fields;
  • Communications and Radar